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The new Section Rolling Mill (SRM) which is one-of-its-kind, was recently set up in Tarapur, Maharashtra. This state-of-the-art facility is nation-first, equipped with completely automated processes. There is no other industrial-scale unit of its ilk in the country.
What makes it so unique? Spread across 10 hectares, it boasts of some of the finest technology in the world’s stainless steel industry with its Level – 2 Automation processes. Its online pickling facilities and automatic labelling inter-alia packaging line, amongst other features, will enable it to manufacture more than 700 different shapes and designs of angle, flats and other profiles. Also, it complies with the high environmental standards of modern stainless steel manufacturing.
These fully automated processes will help Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd boost its production capacity and ensure product dimension and measurement accuracy. The SRM Plant is part of Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd strategy targeted at creating the most modern production facilities possible. A strategy aimed at improving product quality, raising production volumes and increasing the output of high added-value products.
This new facility has several locational advantages as well. The nearest railway track is merely 8 KMs from the production site and the nearest port is only around 170 KMs away. The Inland Container Depot (ICD), started by Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd at Tarapur will ensure smooth logistical support to its clients. The combination of the specific design and fully automated processes, coupled with smooth logistics, allows for reliable and consistent production and supply of high-quality products at the optimum operational economy.
With an annual capacity of 180,000 Tons per annum, the plant will enable the company to offer current and future markets superior products at more competitive pricing and even greater efficiency. It will allow Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd to strengthen its business, both locally and globally.Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd

The use of fully automated processes will not only help Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd increase its production capacity but will also ensure the accuracy in the measurement and dimension of each and every product coming out of the plant. The SRM Plant is part of Viraj’s strategy targeted at creating the most modern production facilities possible. A strategy aimed at improving product quality, raising production volumes and increasing the output of high added-value products.
This new facility has several locational advantages as well. The nearest railway track is merely 8 KMs from the production site and the nearest port is only around 170 KMs away. The Inland Container Depot (ICD), started by Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd at Tarapur will ensure smooth logistical support to its clients. The combination of the specific design and fully automated processes, coupled with smooth logistics allows for a reliable and consistent production and supply of high quality products at optimum operational economy.
With an annual capacity of 180,000 Tons per annum, the plant will enable the company to offer current and future markets superior products, at more competitive pricing and at even greater efficiency. This will allow Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd to strengthen its business, both locally and globally.