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At Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd, we believe that conducting business ethically and striving to do the right thing are vital to the success of the company. All of Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd staff and particularly managers are responsible for ensuring an ethical workplace is maintained. We encourage all the employees of Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd to monitor their respective areas to identify and address situations that may lead to ethical dilemmas.
Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd adheres to the values of integrity, respect, cooperation, collaboration and innovation, which fosters excellence, accountability and personal and professional growth. All Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd employees are expected to observe the highest standards of ethical conduct and to avoid even the impression of conflict of interest.
At Viraj Profiles Pvt. Ltd, we expect all the employees to adhere to certain guidelines drawn by the management
- While conforming to high moral and ethical standards, every Virajian shall exhibit culturally appropriate conduct, professionalism, honesty and integrity at all places in which they operate and deal on behalf of the company. Such conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be so by third parties.
- Every Virajian shall preserve the human rights of every individual and the community, and shall strive to honour commitments.
- Every Virajian shall be responsible for the compliance to and implementation of this Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere could attract severe consequences, including termination of employment.
- Virajians shall neither receive nor offer or make, directly or indirectly, any illegal payments, remuneration, gifts, donations or comparable benefits that are intended, or perceived, to obtain uncompetitive favours for the conduct of its business.
- However, Virajians may, with full disclosure, accept and offer nominal gifts, provided such gifts are customarily given and are commemorative.
- Virajians should treat each other with dignity and respect and be fair and courteous in all interactions in the workplace.
- By applicable laws, Virajians shall not accept employment or positions of responsibility with any other company without the prior official written approval of the company.
- Virajians must consider all information gained during their employment with the company as confidential.
- Virajians may not misuse in any way confidential information about the business, customers, suppliers and other organisations with which the company conducts business.
- Accessing or attempting to access confidential or personal information for non-business related purposes may lead to disciplinary action.
- The assets of the company shall not be misused; they shall be employed primarily and judiciously to conduct the business for which they are duly authorised.
- These include tangible assets such as equipment and machinery, systems, facilities, materials and resources, as well as intangible assets such as information technology and systems, proprietary information, intellectual property, and relationships with customers and suppliers.